How I Can Help You
Confidence & Self image & Personal
/* honza, hide text */?>Mental & Physical health
/* honza, hide text */?>Relationships
/* honza, hide text */?>Veronika Lehmdenová
I am a former IT sales rep who after her own healing from autoimmune disease wants to help people get their freedom.
I wasn’t always a believer in the alternative healing methods and power of the mind, actually quite the opposite. But life has its own ways of teaching you a lesson.
It has been a long journey since I was diagnosed, I had ups and downs, tried a lot of methods and learned a lot during this time.
RTT came to my life in a personally challenging period and it helped me overcome it and it was the last missing part to beat the illness. When I discovered RTT, everything fell into place for me. It was the last piece of a puzzle that ended in my full recovery.
For me RTT provides access to the ultimate way of healing.

About RTT
Do you sometimes feel like you have tried everything and nothing really works?
Maybe you just have not looked deep enough.
RTT is therapy of the future, it offers fast and unparalleled results.
It does not need to take months and years of therapy, it is only another outdated belief.
Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) is harnessing the most powerful healing potential on the planet – the mind.
Very often the root of our issues leads back to our past, sometimes very young age, and is stored in our subconscious mind. You normally do not have access to this part of you.
Our subconscious mind, our beliefs about ourselves and the world, our behavioral patterns and our emotional reactions are formed early on in our lives. And this programming then rules 95% of our lives. These programs are often outdated, destructive and no longer serving their original purpose.
RTT is a powerful technique that can help you access the subconscious mind using various tools. It enables you to find the real reason behind your issues, we interpret it together and remove it forever.
Understanding is power and once you see and experience it during a session, you will be free and the changes in your life will be deep and permanent.
This is why a lot of other therapies fail and can’t deliver lasting results. They do work only with symptoms and the conscious mind, which is only 5% of our cognitive activities.
Book a free 20 minute discovery call!
No commitment, 1-1 call with me.